Ruth Samuel Tenenholtz, author
My Journey
I’ve always believed in the old saying that we must live life to the fullest. I am here to do just that. My author's page will serve as a vessel to share my vast interests, and clue in my readers as to what inspires me in this ever-changing world. It is nice to meet you: please come in and browse this site. You will find a selection of blogs about topics close to my heart. You will also find news about my books and where to purchase them. This site offers you much information about the Netherlands and what happened there during WWII.
In other words: I am a second generation baby boomer (a daughter and sister to Shoah survivors) and spent much of my young years absorbing the trauma of my parents and two older sisters. Now, in my autumn years, I try to live up to my parents' legacy and honor their history. Not surprisingly, I first spent years researching and writing Shoah in academia, and now I have grown more up-close and personal and focus on my personal background. So far, much of the books that I have written deal with that. I write in three languages, Hebrew, Dutch, and English, and this site will allow visitors to search and read in all three. WELCOME!